CS-321: Real-time systems
"Is it possible to pass an exam by starting to study three days before the exam? Lets find out" - Every student ever
This compendium is made for the course CS-321 Real-time systems at École Polyteqnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and is a summary of the lectures and lecture notes. Is is not the complete curriculum, but rather a list of reading material.
Task taxonomy
$C_i$ : Max computation time$D_i$ : Relative deadline$T_i$ : Period / Minimum interarrival time
Rate monotonic - Guaranty function
- Necessary condition:
$$\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Big( \frac{C_i}{T_i} \Big) \leq 1$$ - Sufficient condition:
$$\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Big( \frac{C_i}{T_i} \Big) \leq n \Big( 2^{1/n} - 1 \Big)$$
Jacksone rule:
Any sequence is optimal that puts the jobs in order of non decreasing due dates.
Deadline monotonic
Earliest deadline first (EDF)
- Task deadlines
$D_i$ are arbitrary - Tasks are preemptive and independent
- Task cannot block or suspend themselves
- The worst execution time
$C_i$ of a task$i$ is known
Algorithm: At each instant, execute a ready task with the closest deadline.
Mutual exclusion
Stack Resourse Policy (SRP)
To aovid deadlocks, a task should not be allowed to start unless the resources available at this instant are sufficion to staisgu all its needs.
Variation in execution period for periodic tasks.
Possible solutions:
- Give highest priority to the task that has jitter constraints
- Use periods that are in harmonic relationship and all other taks with lower priorities
- Separate task IO from processing and five higher priority to IO